Photo Credit: Maple Leafs Hotstove, CC BY 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons
Only Losers Like Losing
The Toronto Maple Leafs are a bunch of losers.
How can I say that?
Because they haven't won anything. As far as I'm concerned the current core that forms this version of the Toronto Maple Leafs don't get to be called winners until they win something. Which they haven't.
Where is it?
It's been almost ten years and they haven't contended yet. Shanahan shouldn't be making promises he can't keep. It doesn't take ten years to build a contender, I'm sorry, but it just doesn't.
We were told they could and they would.
They think the fans are all stupid and they can hoodwink us with mathematical mumbo jumbo. Like winning the Stanley Cup is as easy as adding 2+2. Here's some Game Theory for you: hockey is a game.
And winning is everything.
The Complacency In This Fan Base Is Mindnumbing
It boggles my mind that people still tell me I'm too negative.
How am I being negative?
I'm just saying the truth. Whether you like it or not isn't my fault. At minimal I think everyone can agree the Toronto Maple Leafs haven't been a successful team most Shanahan's presidency. I mean, let's face it, finishing dead last under his watch is his greatest accomplishment to date.
Almost ten years of the Shanaplan later and the team still hasn't won a playoff round.
That's not a record to be proud of. There's no pride in losing. Which is why I'm flabbergasted that almost ten years without a single playoffs series victory there are STILL people supporting him.
Losers with a loser mentality accepting other losers losing.
Hahaha you don't know what the fuck your talking about. Get a life loser.