Photo Credit: Maple Leafs Hotstove, CC BY 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons
Brendan Shanahan Failed
We spoke already about Brendan Shanahan's failure as president of hockey operations for the Toronto Maple Leafs.
With not even a single playoffs series win since Shanahan assumed control, fans of the Toronto Maple Leafs are told they should be happy with regular season success.
Dubasites call the fans "annoying cry-babies who pine for whatever it is they aren’t getting in the moment". (EditorInLeaf)
I guess we're all supposed to just forget about the promises we were fed?
Shanahan Broke His Promises
Shanahan must think the fans brains have all turned to mush.
From The Toronto Star, April 13, 2015:
Leafs President Shanahan Promises To Stick To Plan
“There are no shortcuts,” Shanahan says. “Shortcuts have gotten this organization into trouble in the past."
From the Toronto Sun, June 2, 2021:
Maple Leafs President Brendan Shanahan Still Promises The Stanley Cup
"When I came here, I was tasked with rebuilding the organization and bringing a Stanley Cup to Toronto"
We were told there would be no foolish spending in free agency.
They signed Marleau, and then Tavares.
We were told they weren't going to give up draft picks to acquire marginal players as rentals.
Shanahan may as well have promised the moon and the stars and the sun.
The results would still be the same.
The Fans Deserve Better
I've been a fan of the Toronto Maple Leafs my whole life. I've followed them closely for years. I spend hours of my spare time every day, every single day, reading and writing about the team.
I care enough that I even started this blog.
The immediate abandonment of the Shanaplan after Dubas was made GM shook Leafs Nation to it's very foundation. The transition from a team in rebuild to a team all-in overnight came with the assurances that we were all stupid. That they knew what they were doing.
That they could and they would.
The same old story. The same old song and dance. The same old lies.
The promises we were told: forgotten.
Along with the Shanaplan. For whatever the hell mess this is Dubas put the team into. And make no mistake about it, this team is in a mess.
The fans deserve better.
They deserve better than to be lied to. They deserve better than broken promises, hollow condolences and meaningless reassurances. They deserve better than to be called annoying crybabies and told to cheer for a new favourite team.
The fans deserve better.
Better than this.